Частые вопросы
Как мы можем помочь вам сегодня?
Getting Started
How do I set up an account on SMART VALOR?
How to change my email or password?
How do I close my account?
General Information
Are there restrictions for certain countries?
What is the legal structure of SMART VALOR?
How to keep updated with news from SMART VALOR?
Can I send crypto to another SMART VALOR customer?
What assets can I find at SMART VALOR?
Is custody on SMART VALOR safe?
Purchase Crypto
How can I purchase cryptocurrencies?
What is over-the-counter trading (OTC)?
How can I trade cryptocurrencies?
Are there any fees for making a purchase?
Withdraw Crypto
How can I withdraw cryptocurrencies?
How long does it take for my withdrawal to arrive?
What are my withdrawal limits?
Are there any fees for making a withdrawal?
Fiat Transactions
How can I make a deposit or withdrawal?
What are my deposit and withdrawal limits?
Are there any fees for making fiat deposits and withdrawals?
Fiat transactions processing times
What are SMART VALOR Vouchers?