Brand new on the platform, there is now a tool to easily create tax reports. With this free service, SMART VALOR customers can document their crypto activities and create detailed reports for their tax return with just a few clicks.
Anyone who invests in Bitcoin, Ether, and other cryptocurrencies will have to deal with the issue of taxes sooner or later. Even for experts, this continues to bring new challenges in the rapidly evolving crypto space. To support you in the best possible way, we have implemented a tax report feature on the platform that allows you to track your crypto purchases, sales, staking and more in no time.
Let us do your crypto tax report for you
At SMART VALOR we always focus on making crypto as easy and secure as possible. We want our clients to enjoy trading and focus on diversifying their portfolios in a meaningful way. That is why our team works tirelessly to simplify processes, minimize waiting times and yet always ensure the highest level of safety. And now we're helping you with your tax return paperwork, too. The new tax feature is incredibly easy to use and can take a lot of work off your hands. This is especially useful for investors with a portfolio of many different assets or users who have numerous trades to track. The service is for free and offers support for all types of crypto activities on the SMART VALOR platform, including deposits, withdrawals, trading, staking and much more. Just follow these simple steps:
– Log in to your account
– Go to your account settings, choose “Tax Reporting”
– Select the year for which you want the tax report
– Select your country
– Click “Create Report”
Your report will be ready for download in a few minutes.
In addition, you have the possibility to export your transactions as CSV. Thus, you can also import them into external tax programs.

Tax Reporting Quick and Easy
The automatically generated tax reports consist of the following components:
- Summary sheet
- Completion aids for the official tax return templates
- Holdings overview
- Transaction statement and summaries
- Explanatory notes
A particularly convenient feature is the ability to create country-specific tax reports. Currently, legally compliant reports are available for the following countries:
- Germany
- Austria
- Switzerland
- France
- Spain
The tax reports for these countries also contain specific tax forms, in which all crypto-relevant data are already entered. In addition, a detailed overview of the crypto holdings, as well as documentation of all transactions on the SMART VALOR platform, is provided. But also customers outside these regions will benefit from the new service: For all countries not explicitly listed, there is the option of creating a generic tax report. The reports can also be created for years further back in time. You can download them as Excel files. Feel free to take a look at the new tool and see how easy it works: Log in
Please note:
The reports are generated under the assumption that all buy and sell transactions were processed only via SMART VALOR and that only SMART VALOR wallets were used for crypto custody.
If this is not the case, the reports can be used in conjunction with the consolidation of the overall transactions in coordination with your tax advisor.